Please connect with us!
I want to get involved in Warrick Dunn Charities. What are my options?
We would love to have you lend your time, talent, or treasure to Warrick Dunn Charities! Please see our homepage and click on the appropriate icon to volunteer or make a donation. If you have a question about our opportunities, please email us at or call (470) 585-1648.
I am in need of new home. Can Warrick Dunn Charities assist me?
I am in need of financial assistance. Can Warrick Dunn Charities assist me?
Warrick Dunn Charities does not directly provide financial assistance to individuals. We truly understand the burden of debt and financial hardships that many families face, which is why we created our Count on Your Future financial literacy workshop series. As a graduate of the program, you are encouraged to open an investment account, and eligible for $500 in Seed and Matching Funds.
I am a huge Florida State University / Tampa Bay Buccaneers / Atlanta Falcons fan! Can I get my Warrick Dunn memorabilia autographed by him?
I would like for Warrick Dunn to attend or speak to my event. How can I make this request?
Homes for the Holidays
Homes for the Holidays (HFTH) is our flagship program at Warrick Dunn Charities. Our focus is on providing a hand-up – not a handout – to single parents and their children. We surprise single parent families (who are actively working to support themselves) with home furnishings and downpayment assistance.
In short, with the help of donations from our sponsors and individuals like you, we work with local partners to turn houses into homes for single parent families.
Click here to learn more.
Count on Your Future
Through our Count on Your Future program, participants learn about proper budgeting, insurance, investing, and saving from finance industry experts in order to envision and execute a path to a financially secure future.
Click here to learn more.
Health Is Your Wealth
Click here to learn more.
Hearts for Community Service
The $5,000 scholarship award is available to student residents in each of the following Warrick Dunn Charities, Inc. markets: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin.
Click here to learn more.
Still Have Questions?
Send us an email at or call (470)-585-1648.
Get Involved
Volunteers make our mission of empowering families in need possible.

Phone: +1 (470) 585-1648
Warrick Dunn Charities, Inc.
235 Ponce De Leon Place
Suite M – 306
Decatur, GA 30030