Healthy Twists on Traditional Holiday Favorites

December 29, 2022


As we move into the Holiday season, eating healthy doesn’t have to disappear! Healthy twists on the traditional holiday dishes can be a great way to still incorporate healthy eating. Through our partnership with Life University’s Nutrition Department, we put together a cooking demonstration video of Roasted Rosemary Potatoes and Roasted Butternut Squash & Brussel Sprout Salad – all made in air fryers!

If you found this video to be helpful and would like to learn more about healthy eating, please visit our website to learn more about our SCULPT Health & Wellness program at

SCULPT Holiday Workshop & Pantry Fill Healthy Holiday Recipes

Rosemary Roasted Potatoes: Yields 4 servings (3/4C each)

  • 1.5lb of potatoes (You can use whichever type of potato, just ensure cut is consistent. Some varieties may cook faster/slower.)
  • 1T Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1tsp dried rosemary or 1T fresh, chopped rosemary
  • 1/2tsp salt
  • Black pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Line baking pan with parchment or use non-stick pan spray.
  3. Wash potatoes, dry, and cut into ¾ inch pieces.
  4. Place potatoes in large bowl and add EVOO, garlic, rosemary, salt, and pepper.
  5. Spread potatoes evenly on pan without overcrowding.
  6. Roast for 15 minutes, stir/turn potatoes, then roast for another 5-10 minutes until in sides are soft and outside is light brown and crisp. Serve.

Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Cinnamon Butternut Squash with Pecans and Cranberries: Yields 6 servings

Roasted Brussels Sprouts:

  • 3 cups Brussels sprouts ends trimmed, with yellow leaves removed
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • ¼ teaspoon Salt to taste

Roasted Butternut Squash:

  • 1 ½ lb. butternut squash peeled, seeded, and cubed into 1-inch cubes (Yields about 4 cups of uncooked cubed butternut squash)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

Optional Ingredients:

  • 1 cup pecan halves
  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries
  • 2-4 tablespoons maple syrup optional

How to roast Brussels Sprouts:

  • Preheat oven to 400 F. Lightly grease the foil-lined baking sheet with 1 Tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Trim ends of Brussels sprouts and remove yellow leaves.
  • Then, slice all Brussels sprouts in half.
  • In a medium bowl, combine halved Brussels sprouts, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt (to taste), and toss to combine.
    • Place onto a foil-lined baking sheet, cut side down, and roast in the oven at 400 F for about 20-25 minutes.
    • During the last 5-10 minutes of roasting, turn them over for even browning, the cut sides should be nicely and partially charred but not blackened.

How to roast Butternut Squash:

  • Preheat oven to 400 F. Lightly grease the foil-lined baking sheet with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
  • In a medium bowl, combine cubed butternut squash (peeled and seeded),1 tablespoon of olive oil, maple syrup, and cinnamon, and toss to mix.
  • Place butternut squash in a single layer on the baking sheet. Bake for 20-25 minutes, turning once half-way through baking, until softened.
  • Note: You can roast both Brussels sprouts and butternut squash on 2 separate baking sheets at the same time, on the same rack in the oven.

How to toast pecans:

  • Toast pecans in the preheated oven at 350 F
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Toast the pecans for about 5 minutes (maybe a bit longer) in the preheated oven at 350 F until they get darker in color.
  • Note: pecans burn really fast, so make sure to check the nuts after 5 minutes and frequently afterword’s.


  • In a large bowl, combine roasted Brussels sprouts, roasted butternut squash, pecans, and cranberries, and mix to combine.