Spring Clean Your Way to a Healthy, Stress-Free Home

Spring Clean Your Way to a Healthy, Stress-Free Home

Spring has arrived! Here in Atlanta, the flowers are blooming, the trees are budding, and people are outside enjoying the warmer weather. Even though we enjoy being outside, it’s also a great time to make the inside of our homes just as enjoyable, and spring cleaning...
#OurHearts Matter Today, and Every Day!

#OurHearts Matter Today, and Every Day!

Have you ever wondered if American Heart Month aligns with February for a reason? Did Valentine’s Day and all of the heart shaped items everywhere have anything to do with it? If so, it was a brilliant choice! Your heart is an important part of you, and one that you...
Managing Feelings of Inadequacy

Managing Feelings of Inadequacy

Since the start of the pandemic our social media usage has increased exponentially. We see the lives of others unfolding before our eyes and those lives look amazing! We see marriages and happy children, weight loss journeys and new businesses starting up, and though...
Staying Active at Home During the Pandemic

Staying Active at Home During the Pandemic

Keeping active while staying at home: A brief ‘how-to’ guide   Social distancing measures require citizens around the world to stay at home. Many people are wondering during this pandemic, how can I stay active and maintain my physical and mental...

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